Σαν καλοί ιστιοπλόοι, ίσως οι καλύτεροι παγκοσμίως, οι Έλληνες πλοιοκτήτες αντιλαμβάνονται νωρίτερα από όλους, τις περισσότερες φορές «τα σημάδια του καιρού» και την αλλαγή των «εμπορικών ανέμων» και προσαρμόζουν την πορεία τους [...]
Ολόκληρο το επιχειρηματικό σχέδιο της ΔΕΗ είναι αφιερωμένο στην ανάπτυξη καθαρών τεχνολογιών και ευελιξίας. Δυο παράγοντες οδηγούν στην ενεργειακή μετάβαση και στους ενεργειακούς στόχους μας: πρώτον η ανάπτυξη καθαρών τεχνολογιών [...]
DNV has recently completed an extensive market study commissioned by a consortium of Danish companies and organizations in the CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage) industry. The study focuses on [...]
PANAMA----January 8, 2023--- Panama Ship Registry has maintained its leading position globally with 8,540 vessels and 251.1 million gross tonnage (GT), according to the international platform IHS Markit. While in [...]
The 14th edition of Lloyd’s List’s annual assessment of influence in shipping shows carbon regulation once again dominating the headlines. Our coveted number one slot is in acknowledgment of the [...]
The heart of seamanship takes center stage at this year’s AMVER Awards Gala Dinner, a major tradition of our industry. Set to unfold on December 15, 2023, at Athens’ Athenaeum [...]
The shipping industry will come together with ministers at COP28 for a series of events and the annual Shaping the Future of Shipping The United Arab Emirates (UAE) Ministry of [...]
Speech by the Minister of Maritime Affairs & Shipping Island Policy Christos Stylianides at the Plenary Session of the 33rd Assembly of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) "Your Excellency Secretary General, Honourable [...]
IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim has opened the 33rd session of the IMO Assembly (A 33), which is meeting at IMO Headquarters in London from 27 November – 6 December 2023. [...]