Ο RINA επεκτείνεται στην Τυνησία
Μέσω ενός νέου εργαστηρίου στην Τύνιδα
Το εργαστήριο, που ονομάζεται Lab21, καλύπτει 600 τετραγωνικά μέτρα και είναι γνωστό στην περιοχή της Βόρειας Αφρικής ως ένα ιδιαίτερα εξειδικευμένο εργαστήριο μικροβιολογικών , χημικών και φυσικών αναλύσεων σε προϊόντα τροφίμων , νερού και πρώτων υλών.
RINA Services expands in Tunisia through a new laboratory in Tunis
The RINA Services international expansion strategy continues through the acquisition of an agri-food analysis laboratory in Tunis.
The lab, called Lab21, covers 600 square metres and is known in the area of North Africa as a highly specialised laboratory for microbiological, chemical and physical analyses on food products, water and raw materials.
Accredited according to the ISO/IEC 17025 Standard, Lab21 operates in Tunisia through recognised skilled personnel and numbers among its clients both local and multinational organisations. One of the advantages of this laboratory is that it has an extensive network of centres which enables it to take samples and analyse them from anywhere in the country.
Set up in 2001 by a multidisciplinary team of experts, Lab21 is the evolution of the Department of Health and Food Microbiology Laboratory established in 1985 and it is now 70\% owned by RINA Services. The experience acquired over the years has turned the laboratory into a point of reference of the sector, able to offer clients services ranging from on-site tests to exportation. Today, integration of the skills and know-how of the agri-food certification laboratories, already part of RINA, and the newly-acquired centre open the door to new opportunities.
“Tunisia is an expanding country where the agri-food business is already a considerably structured sector which can claim a number of excellent products” – said Andrea Devoti, Business Development Manager Consumer Goods Testing & Services – “Lab 21 is just the first step by RINA Services in this country: our contribution will consist in assisting national producers to achieve the highest quality standards at international level as well as helping Italian companies based in Tunisia to protect their own products”. The recent and increasingly more frequent exchanges related to investment plans between Italy and Tunisia have made it necessary to establish a product certification standardisation process which, together with strict quality control activities, aims to ensure the products can be exported anywhere in the world. An increasing number of international and multinational companies are choosing to invest in Tunisia, which offers more and more prospects for growth, in terms of both potential of the production sites and the excellent, already developed, products of the territory.
Not only agri-food, but also health and tourism, among others, are the drivers of this mechanism. Many of the requests for physical-chemistry analyses on water, food, cosmetics, thalassotherapy and dialysis water come from hotels, tourist and cruise facilities and hospitals.
RINA Services S.p.A. è la società del RINA attiva nella classificazione, test, ispezione e servizi di certificazione. Il RINA è un Gruppo multinazionale che fornisce servizi di verifica, certificazione,valutazione di conformità, classificazione navale, valorizzazione ambientale, test di prodotto, supervisione e qualifica dei fornitori, formazione e consulenza ingegneristica attraverso una vasta gamma di industrie e servizi. Il RINA opera attraverso una rete di società dedicate ai diversi settori: Shipping, Energia, Infrastrutture e Costruzioni, Logistica e Trasporti, Ambiente e Qualità, Agroalimentare e Sanità, Finanza e Pubbliche Istituzioni, Business Governance. Con circa 280 milioni di euro di attività nel 2012, oltre 2200 risorse, 150 uffici in 53 Paesi nel mondo, il Gruppo è oggi in grado di rispondere alle esigenze dei propri clienti ed e’ allo stesso tempo riconosciuto quale interlocutore autorevole presso le principali Organizzazioni internazionali, contribuendo da sempre allo sviluppo di nuovi standard normativi.www.rina.org