International Cruise Summit 2023
The present and future of the worldwide cruise industry
The international Cruise Summit is the leading cruise conference in Europe, the only forum of global knowledge about the worldwide cruise industry to be held in Europe on an annual basis. It is a rich mix of presentations, panels, games, networking and social events, packed into one and half days.
In this ever-changing world in which we live, ICS 2023 Madrid is once again perfectly placed as Europe’s leading cruise conference to examine fundamental industry questions and recognise the key areas on which to focus during the upcoming year.
With an assembly of top Cruise line executives and delegates from all sectors of the cruise industry, it is an ideal opportunity for you to gain new ideas, network and formulate your own strategies for the future.
The summit aims to provide you with an updated overview of the key drivers affecting your decision making going forward. It’s a MUST to mark now in your meetings schedule.
Important agenda items to be included are the geopolitics issues affecting itineraries, sustainability, and new developments with an eye in the markets of the future and sales strategies. Even in the twelve months since ICS 2022 many global, national and local factors are changing or evolving, making it imperative to re-appraise your own plans.