The United States of America and Republic of Panama are continuing joining efforts to cooperate on international compliance matters


In a few days ago, representatives of the United State´s Government and the US Embassy in Panama as well held a work´s meeting with representatives of the Panama Maritime Authority (AMP), regarding the continued commitment of both countries in maritime affairs.

During the meeting, AMP staff explained the role of the institution, the Panama Ship Registry and the Control and Monitoring Section Department of Navigation and Maritime Safety in due diligence terms and continuous surveillance of vessels registered in the Panamanian merchant navy.

For its part, Mr. Abram Paley, Deputy Special Envoy for Iran matters of the government of the United States of America, expressed the importance of maintaining cooperation between the two countries in the unstable behavior context of the Islamic Republic of Iran. He also stated that both nations have a common goal, which is why it is healthy to exchange ideas and continue together with the joint work of the last few years.

Among the topics discussed was the possibility of Panamanian flagged vessels being used to transport Iranian oil, however, confirming that to date there are no vessels of Iranian nationality owners in the Panamanian Registry, as far as we are aware.   In this sense, Mr. Miad Maleki, Senior Advisor to the Office of Foreign Assets Control, indicated that the Panamanian flag reputation is very important for the United States of America, as well as its trade and that there is full confidence in the Republic of Panama.

In the meeting it was also discussed about the formality and protocol that the government of the United States of America and the Panamanian government developed in 2020 to deal with these issues, but today there has not been any formal communication of requests for cancellations of vessels from the Panama Ship Registry.

It is appropriate to mention that vessel cancellations must be framed within the Panamanian legal framework, specifically by Law N°57 of 6 August 2008, as this is the regulation that governs due process.

Moreover, the AMP´s staff presented the statistics of the 863 vessels cancelled from 2019 to today, of which 706 have been cancelled ex officio, while the other 157 have been cancelled by annulment and judicial sales. Also, the statistics of the Panamanian flag vessels listed by the Office of Assets Control (OFAC) and the consequent cancellation process of the Registry.

Additionally, it was pointed out and demonstrated evidences that out of the 41 ships listed in OFAC, 24 have already been cancelled from the Register, and the information on its web page has been requested to be updated by means of formal notes in the months of April and June 2023. A further 6 have also been cancelled, and the remaining 11 ships are in the process of cancellation. Once these actions are completed, the total of 41 ships listed in OFAC will have been cancelled, as formally communicated.

Another point discussed was the importance of Panama being notified in advance of the information on the vessels to be listed or sanctioned, just as other registries are informed, which would help to avoid a change of registry during the formalization of the listing and sanctioning process.

During the visit, the US delegation had the opportunity to visit the Panamanian Fleet Control and Monitoring Centre and observe its functionality for themselves.

At the end of the meeting, it was agreed that the established protocol for the exchange of information and requests between governments will continue, as well as the possibility of signing a bilateral cooperation agreement, which will continue to institutionalize these efforts in the future administrations of both countries.

To the Panama Maritime Authority (AMP) it was gratifying that Mr. Paley concluded the meeting expressing his certainty that the Panamanian State is focused on its responsibilities as a responsible Register of Ships and an important strategic partner in international maritime trade. The representatives of both governments have pledged to continue working hand by hand for a responsible maritime industry.


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