Port of Piraeus welcomes giant container ship


MSC London, the largest containership to have docked in Piraeus, arrived Monday in Greece’s largest port. Master Mastellone Giovanni Battista along with the vessel’s officers and crew members were welcomed by the Piraeus Port Authority in Pier I.

Greece’s Shipping Minister Miltiades Varvitsiotis was present along with ministry Gen. Secretary Ath. Christipoulos, the Head of the Coast Guard Mr. Ath. Athanasopoulos, MSC Hellas Chairwoman Christina Theodorika and OLP CEO and President George Anomeritis, amongst others.

Mr Anomeritis said “we welcome the newly built and impressive containership MSC London as well as its Captain and crew. The long and fruiful relationship with MSC in Piraeus will definitely continue and develop through new agreements and expectations. Pireaus is constantly changing into an important hub in the Mediterranean for containerships, cruise ships and car carriers with OLP and the Container Terminal as managers. (…) OLP is the main engine of growth for Greece’s port industry”.

Longer than the Eiffel Tower at 399 metres in length, the MSC London is so far the largest ship owned by the Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) and the first in a series of six 16,652-teu ships to join the fleet.

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