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Our team in RINA Global Marine Training Centre, is thrilled to announce that we have expanded our portfolio to include an exciting new course!

We’re constantly striving to offer the most comprehensive and up-to-date training options, and this latest addition is no exception.

The new online (live) course on “RISQ 3 Awareness (RightShip Inspection Vessel Questionnaire)” is scheduled for the first time, on May 29th & 30th 2024 (2 days in English language, at 600.00 EURO per attendee).

For more info on the course, check the below flyer via which you can proceed with your registration directly.

Let us take this opportunity to direct you on our Website with all our available online courses and the online (live) marine training calendar. https://www.rina.org/en/business/marine/marine-training.


Contact us at global.marinetraining@rina.org, for any additional information you might need or if you have a specific request for a tailored in-house training course for your company.

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