China opposes EU sanctions against Chinese firms over Russia


BEIJING, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) — China on Monday voiced firm opposition to the EU’s decision to put four Chinese companies on a list in its 13th round of sanctions against Russia.

“This is unilateral sanctions and long-arm jurisdiction that has no basis in international law, nor a mandate from the United Nations Security Council,” China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOC) said in a statement.

“This act runs counter to the spirit of the consensus reached during meetings of Chinese and EU leaders and will have a negative impact on China-EU economic and trade relations,” the statement read.

The Chinese side urges the EU to bear in mind the overall interests of the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership and unconditionally stop blacklisting the Chinese firms, the MOC said.

China will resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises, it added.  ■

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