Greece’s new government remains vague on plans for shipping
Greek government policy announcements in parliament last week shed little light on its plans for shipping, other than stress the industry’s standing as a flagship of the country’s economy.
In its much awaited policy statements the issue of squeezing more tax revenue from shipping companies was vague. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, spoke for more than an hour and failed to mention shipping at all.
Althernate Shipping minister, Theodoris Dritsas was more to the point:“This ministry should change. In our country, shipping as a whole rightly should not only be presented as the flagship of the economy, but it should become the power that utilises to the maximum and honors to the full the invaluable contribution of workers.”
There was no mention of taxes, but Dritsas did say:“Increasing the return of shipowners’ capital to Greek society is an absolute necessity, especially in the current conditions of economic and social catastrophe our country and people are under.”
Source: Seatrade Global