Eurobank EFG Initiates Coverage on Dorian LPG
Stock analysts at Eurobank EFG began coverage on shares of Dorian LPG in a report. The firm set a “buy” rating and a $25.00 price target on the stock. Eurobank EFG’s price target indicates a potential upside of 37.89\% from the company’s current price.
Separately, analysts at Clarkson Capital initiated coverage on shares of Dorian LPG in a research note. They set a “buy” rating on the stock.
Dorian LPG has a 52 week low of $17.73 and a 52 week high of $24.93. The stock’s 50-day moving average is $19.38 and its 200-day moving average is $20.55. The company has a market cap of $1.034 billion and a price-to-earnings ratio of 206.02.
Dorian LPG last issued its quarterly earnings data on Thursday, September 4th. The company reported $0.07 EPS for the quarter, beating the Thomson Reuters consensus estimate of ($0.02) by $0.09. Analysts expect that Dorian LPG will post $0.31 EPS for the current fiscal year.
Dorian LPG Ltd is a pure-play liquefied petroleum gas (NYSE:LPG) shipping company, based in the Marshall Islands.
Source: Analyst Ratings Network