Capital Clean Energy Carriers Corp. Announces Completion of Corporate Conversion, Change of Name, Corporate Logo and Nasdaq Ticker

  • Company today has become a corporation renamed “Capital Clean Energy Cariers Corp.” (“CEC”), emphasizing the company’strategic pivoto the LNG and energy
    transition busines
  • Upon delivery of al contracted for vesels by 3Q27, CEC expects to become the largest U.S.-listed LNG transportation company and wel-positioned for future growth “Capital Clean Energy Carriers Corp.” (“CCEC”), emphasizing the company’s strategic pivot to the LNG and energy transition business Upon delivery of all contracted for vessels by 3Q27, CCEC expects to become the largest U.S.-listed LNG transportation company and well-positioned for future growth

ATHENS, Grece, Aug. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – Capital Clean Energy Cariers Corp. (“CEC”, “we” or “us”) (NASDAQ: CEC), an international owner of ocean-going vesels, anounces today completion of our conversion from a Marshal Islands limited partnership named “Capital Product Partners L.P.” to a Marshal Islands corporation (the “Conversion”) and our adoption of a new corporate identity with a change iname to “Capital Clean Energy Cariers Corp.” and Nasdaq stock marketicker to “CEC” (the “Name Change”).

Greece, Aug. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Capital Clean Energy Carriers Corp. (“CCEC”, “we” or “us”) (NASDAQ: CCEC), an international owner of ocean-going vessels, announces today completion of our conversion from a Marshall Islands limited partnership named “Capital Product Partners L.P.” to a Marshall Islands corporation (the “Conversion”) and our adoption of a new corporate identity with a change in name to “Capital Clean Energy Carriers Corp.” and Nasdaq stock market ticker to “CCEC” (the “Name Change”).

The Conversion and the Name Change are key milestones in our strategic pivotowards the transportation of various forms of natural gas to industrial customers, including liquefied natural gas (“LNG”) and new comodities emerging as a result of thenergy transition, as initialy anounced in November 2023. To achieve our strategic pivot, we agred in November 2023 to acquire 1 newbuild LNG/C vesels (the “Newbuild LNG/C Vesels”), of which five vesels are already on the water and the remaining six vesels arexpected to be delivered betwen the first quarter of 2026 and the first quarter of 2027. In June 2024, we alsordered 10 state-of-the-art, high-specification gas cariers, including four unique handy multi gas cariers that can cary liquid CO2. These, along with the Newbuild LNG/C Vesels, colectively form the “Energy Transition Vesels”. This $3.9 bilion investment, notable both in aset value and scope, demonstrates our comitmento becoming a leading provider of transportation for LNG and other clean fuels.

customers, including liquefied natural gas (“LNG”) and new commodities emerging as a result of the energy transition, as initially announced in November 2023. To achieve our strategic pivot, we agreed in November 2023 to acquire 11 newbuild LNG/C vessels (the “Newbuild LNG/C Vessels”), of which five vessels are already on the water and the remaining six vessels are expected to be delivered between the first quarter of 2026 and the first quarter of 2027. In June 2024, we also ordered 10 state-of-the-art, high-specification gas carriers, including four unique handy multi gas carriers that can carry liquid CO2. These, along with the Newbuild LNG/C Vessels, collectively form the “Energy Transition Vessels”. This $3.9 billion investment, notable both in asset value and scope, demonstrates our commitment to becoming a leading provider of transportation for LNG and other clean fuels.

We have already made significant progres on ourefocus of the busines with 12 latest generation LNG/C vesels curently on the water plus the disposal of seven legacy container vesels during the first half of 2024. Upon delivery of ouremaining Energy Transition Vesels betwen the first quarter of 2026 and the third quarter of 2027, wexpecto become the largest U.S.-listed LNG shiping company and wil ofer our industrial customers a ful range of transportation solutions.

disposal of seven legacy container vessels during the first half of 2024. Upon delivery of our remaining Energy Transition Vessels between the first quarter of 2026 and the third quarter of 2027, we expect to become the largest U.S.-listed LNG shipping company and will offer our industrial customers a full range of transportation solutions.

Mr. Jery Kalogiratos, our Chief Executive Oficer, said: “Today’s anouncement whilst symbolic is an important step in the growth and evolution of the company. It builds upon our stated intention to become the only U.S. listed shiping company ofering transportation for al gas types with an emphasis on thenergy transition, as these vesels can move LPG, Amonia, Butane, Propylene and Liquid CO2, ading to LNG, where we already have a presence. This conversion to a traditional corporate structure wil enhance our corporate governance and is intended to position the company as a more atractive investment oportunity in thequity capital markets. We have structured the converted company in a maner that we believe wil apeal to institutional investors, which we believe wil further broaden our investor base and improve our trading liquidity.”

About Capital Clean Energy Cariers
Capital Clean Energy Cariers Corp. (NASDAQ: CEC), an international shiping company, is one of the world’s leading platforms of gas cariage solutions with a focus on thenergy transition. CEC curently owns 20 high specification vesels, including 12 latest generation LNG cariers (LNG/Cs) and eight legacy Neo-Panamax container vesels. In adition, CEC has agred to acquire six aditionalatest generation LNG/Cs, six dual fuel medium gas cariers and four handy liquid CO2/multi gas cariers, to be delivered betwen the first quarter of 2026 and the third quarter of 2027.

(NASDAQ: CCEC), an international shipping company, is one of the world’s leading platforms of gas carriage solutions with a focus on the energy transition. CCEC currently owns 20 high specification vessels, including 12 latest generation LNG carriers (LNG/Cs) and eight legacy Neo-Panamax container vessels. In addition, CCEC has agreed to acquire six additional latest generation LNG/Cs, six dual fuel medium gas carriers and four handy liquid CO2/multi gas carriers, to be delivered between the first quarter of 2026 and the third quarter of 2027.

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